Monitoring - Norsk:
Visma har tidligere kunngjort at de endrer måten integratorer som Compello må autentisere seg mot på.
Tidligere krevde autentisering mot bruk av VNI-plattformen, ved bruk av en integrasjonsbruker med tilgang til selskapsdata innenfor

Prosessen har nå endret seg. Integrasjoner må nå bruke Visma Connect for autentisering, ved bruk av tenant-ID for det aktuelle selskapet innenfor Compello har allerede tatt i bruk og testet denne nye metoden for integrasjon, og nå må vi migrere våre til å bruke denne nye autentiseringsmetoden.

mandag 1. juli vil Compello overføre alle eksisterende Visma Net-integrasjoner til denne nye metoden. Vær oppmerksom på at du kan legge merke til en viss midlertidig ustabilitet i integrasjonen din under denne overgangen. Vi har derfor styrket vår beredskap, og er forberedt på å løse eventuelle problemer som oppstår raskt.

Vennligst kontakt support på hvis du opplever problemer som følge av denne endringen.

Visma has previously announced that they are changing the way integrators like Compello must authenticate towards
In the past, authenticating with required the use of the VNI platform, utilizing an integration user with access to company data within

However, the process has now changed. Integrations must now use Visma Connect for authentication, utilizing the tenant ID of the respective company within Compello has already adopted and tested this new method of integration, and now we need to migrate our customers to use this new method of authentication.

On Monday, July 1, Compello will transition all existing Visma Net integrations to this new method. Be aware that you may notice some temporary instability in your integration during this switch. To mitigate this, we've enhanced our monitoring efforts and are prepared to resolve any issues as they arise swiftly.

If you experience any issues as part of this switch, please contact Support on

Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards
PROCESS Operations

Jun 28, 2024 - 16:33 CEST
Monitoring - Important information about the new version of SEND on March 19.
As communicated earlier, Compello SEND transitioned to Visma Amili SEND on January 1. In light of this, a new branded version of the SEND Dashboard and Portals, including the Transaction Portal, Admin Portal, and Dashboard will be launched March 19th.
Read more here, and how to reset your password.

Mar 19, 2024 - 08:06 CET

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SEND, EDI/FMS og RECEIVE tjenestene ble overført til Visma Amili AS 1. januar 2023.
Disse har ny Statusside:

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PROCESS ? Operational
90 days ago
99.23 % uptime
PROCESS - Legacy PDF Collector ? Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
PROCESS - Integrations - REST api ? Operational
90 days ago
97.32 % uptime
PROCESS - Process Approve Web ? Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
PROCESS – Mail Import ? Operational
90 days ago
99.48 % uptime
Process - IntegrationAPI Operational
90 days ago
99.35 % uptime
Other & External ? Operational
90 days ago
99.99 % uptime
Helpdesk ? Operational
90 days ago
99.99 % uptime
Public web page - ? Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Support telefon / Swithcboard / Phone contact Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Degraded Performance
Partial Outage
Major Outage
Major outage
Partial outage
No downtime recorded on this day.
No data exists for this day.
had a major outage.
had a partial outage.
Past Incidents
Jul 27, 2024

No incidents reported today.

Jul 26, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 25, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 24, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 23, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 22, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 21, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 20, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 19, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 18, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 17, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 16, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 16, 08:06 CEST
Investigating - Norsk:
Flere kunder opplever nå full stopp på Mail Import tjenesten.
Vi jobber med å feilsøke og oppdaterer så fort det er noe nytt i saken.

Several customers are now experiencing that the Mail Import service is not working.
We are investigating and will post an update when we know more.

Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards
PROCESS Operations

Jul 15, 21:22 CEST
Jul 15, 2024
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Jul 15, 20:00 CEST
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jul 15, 18:00 CEST
Scheduled - Norsk:
Mandag 15. juli fra kl 18:00 vil det bli utført planlagt vedlikehold for Compello Process (Fakturagodkjenning).

Arbeidet vil medføre at tjenesten kan være ustabil i dette tidsrommet. Ved problemer forsøk å logge ut og inn igjen. Vi estimerer at arbeidet vil ta 2 timer, men skulle det skje endringer vil vi varsle om dette.

Vi vil informere deg når tjenestene er oppe og kjører som normalt igjen.

Monday July 15th, from 18:00 CET, planned maintenance will be performed for Compello Process (Invoice approval).

The service may be unstable during this time. In case of problems try logging out and in again. We estimate that the work will take 2 hours, but should changes occur, we will notify you of this.

We will inform you when the services are up and running as normal again.


Med vennlig hilsen/Best regards
PROCESS Operations

Jul 15, 10:30 CEST
Jul 14, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 13, 2024

No incidents reported.